More than Just a Story.

Uta MICHAELER, MSc., Bakk.techn. 

is considerate, smart and creative since 1987.

For quite a while, she considers fair, beautiful and extraordinary options for the human co-existence.   

Uta holds a Master's Degree in "Integrative Stadtentwicklung - Smart City Management" as well as a "Bacherlor´s degree" in  Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructures Sciences from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna.

Uta focuses on communicating matters of city, rural and environmental development especially promoting interaction of stakeholders and participation. Within her journalistic and conceptual work, she focuses on blogs and specified distribution via social media channels, such as Instagram.

She does communication i.a. on "Smart and Resilient Cities" at Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and writes for WerdeDigital.at, a platform promoting safe conduct on the internet.


Want to know more about or get in touch with Uta?

Send her a mail!  

Follow her on Instagram